Let’s Encrypt 和 华为云的DNS 不大兼容啊
DNS验证基本上失败率>90%,换了阿狸的DNS秒过,MLGBD… |
注册: 珍爱生命,远离华为
ccf: 扫描了一下华为云的DNS,应该是不支持 echo capitalization 导致的 已发工单,需要对DNS服务器做调整,看看他们能否解决 X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.cn / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.com / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.com / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.net / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.org X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.org / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.org /复制代码
hehe: 是这样,所以我每次都要切腾讯DNS
ccf: 折腾还是qq,阿里家吧
jqbaobao: 华为dns有优先级设置,还有4个ns,两个国内两个国外
swsh007: 其他功能是不错,我这里是单纯说Let’s的TXT验证,不管用华为国内国外,都失败 nslookup 查询没问题,但 Let’s 的查询机制不一样 https://unboundtest.com/ 这里可以测试,和 Let’s 的查询机制一样,TXT和CAA查询大概率失败,估计是DNS的兼容性有问题
By小酷: 你如果有txt记录,建议全部写成一个,因为华为分开写记录集会变成轮训,写成一个才会全部显示
ccf: 我知道他这个机制,我都是写一个记录的, 但问题是,哪怕这个记录里面只有一行TXT,https://unboundtest.com/ 这里也大概率查询失败,Let’s 就更完蛋了 而且 CAA 也是大概率查询失败
By小酷: 原来是这个原因,还以为是le不支持我的域名
ccf: 之前说要修的,结果现在都没修
注册: 你发过工单么?
注册: 把需要签证书的域名套上cfp就行
ccf: 我说的不是一行,而是有其他的txt记录,你是不是有多个记录集
sky170: Let’s Encrypt部分地区验证超时,还是算了吧
By小酷: 不是,我只有一条 TXT 记录集 不管这个记录集合里面有几行,都不行 比如 _acme-challenge.abc.com 这个TXT记录集,以下两种 txt 都有问题 只有一行 “vsebvtrsbtresb” 或者两行 “veavrevasresvre” “xresgvrwbvtreb” 应该不是记录的问题,而是华为DNS并不满足某些RFC标准
请叫我毛线: 扫描了一下华为云的DNS,应该是不支持 echo capitalization 导致的 已发工单,需要对DNS服务器做调整,看看他们能否解决 X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.cn / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.com / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.com / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.net / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.org X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.org / X Fatal error: Nameserver doesn’t support echo capitalization. That’s critical if you want to create Letsencrypt certificates. Read https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00 (2008). If a dns client asks “ExAmPlE.cOm”, the name server must answer with the same name, not with “example.com”. Creating Letsencrypt certificates isn’t possible. Your name server provider must update the software.: ns1.huaweicloud-dns.org /复制代码
ccf: Let’s Encrypt 和 DNS.COM 的自定义路线也不兼容 MMP 我用了几天才发现 100多W百度蜘蛛变5000 真是牛P
ccf: 华为……就这样吧,我反正不用
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PS.源码均收集自网络,如有侵犯阁下权益,请发信件至: [email protected] .
源站网 » Let’s Encrypt 和 华为云的DNS 不大兼容啊